Frequently Asked Questions

Dominion Update

HCA Members,

Harbison Community Association has received notification that in the coming weeks, Dominion will have boring crews working in the area of Timberleaf Ct., Westfern Ct., Westgrove Ct., and Westpine Ct. Dominion is currently working to replace the original direct burial electrical cable to Harbison’s street and Trail lights. This should greatly improve the outage issues we have seen in the past. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.


Scott Lynch, Covenants and Facilities Director


What is Harbison?
Harbison is a 1700+ Acre community which was developed as a planned unit development to be an integrated land use community that would provides housing types for all incomes, employment acreage, shopping areas, schools, playgrounds, and a community center. It was conceived as an economically, socially, racially, and age group integrated community.
What is the Harbison Community Association?
HCA is incorporated as a non-profit organization. All property owners and residents are automatically members of the Association. The Association is run by a nine-member Board of Directors elected by the members. Elections are held at the annual meeting and Board Members are elected for two (2) year terms with four(4) seats open in odd numbered years and five (5) seats open in even numbered years.
What is the function of HCA?

HCA is the entity charged with enforcement of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, which controls all property within Harbison, and with the administration of Association matters. The Board of Directors has interpreted the mandate of the Covenants to be the protection of all property values within Harbison. The Board has hired an Executive Director to provide day to day guidance of all operations and professional assistance to the Board in policy matters. 

How is Harbison funded?

HCA is a non tax supported private organization. There are two primary sources for funding HCA. The first is the Regime Fee or Assessment, which is billed to each property based on a formula designed to ensure equity in distributing the financial burden equally among all members. The second is the fees charged for various programs offered by HCA.

Where do my assessment dollars go?
  • Active and consistent enforcement of covenants
  • Free use of the Harbison Community Center
  • Savings on any Community Center specialty programs
  • Free access to lighted tennis facilities (4 courts for exclusive use by residents)
  • 12 miles of paved and lighted walking trails situated throughout Harbison
  • 9 safe and well-maintained playgrounds
  • Fully developed website
  • Consistent architectural review of all new construction/development
  • Care and maintenance of Community Center, lakes, common property, and trails
  • Professional management of the association
  • Advocacy of community issues with Irmo, Columbia, Lexington, and Richland Counties
  • Use of meeting space for meetings, birthdays, parties, receptions, family reunions, etc.
If I'm renting a house, do I still have access to the Community Center?
Yes.  The process, however, requires that the home owners call the Community Center and give permission for the renter to use their access.  The association dues allow either the owner or the renter to use the facility.  Once permission has been given by the owner, the renter can then come to the Center and get their ID made for full access to the facility.
In which areas of the Covenants should I be most aware of?
  • Property Maintenance – You are required to properly maintain the appearance of your property and all buildings.
  • Construction – Any changes, additions or new buildings and any fences require prior approval from the Residential Design and Review Committee.
  • Trees – Trees may not be removed without prior authorization.
  • Temporary signs – Any and all temporary signs are prohibited in Harbison. The sole exception is that one “For Sale” sign may be placed on your property if the property is for sale.
Who may participate in HCA Programs?
Residents with assessment accounts paid up to date may be issued an ID card which authorizes the use of facilities. There is no fee for the initial ID card. Non-residents may purchase a membership to participate or be a paid guest of a member. Memberships are offered in a wide variety of options and can be found here.
How does Harbison interact with local governments?
Harbison has no direct affiliation with any of the four local governments which serve the community, state government, or any federal agencies. The local governments are the City of Columbia, the Town of Irmo, Lexington County, and Richland County.
What should we do about solicitors?
In March of 1993, the Harbison Community Association (HCA) Board of Directors passed a resolution prohibiting solicitation of any kind in Harbison. Following that resolution the Association posted signs at all of the major entrances to Harbison indicating that solicitation was not allowed. However, as many of you know, door-to-door solicitation continues to be a problem in our community.

When you see someone soliciting in your neighborhood, call Harbison Association at 803-781-2281 and report it. Be as detailed as possible about the individual(s) that are soliciting. Our Covenant Enforcement Officer will approach the solicitor and resolve the issue.

What about the Harbison pathways?
Harbison has over twelve (12) miles of eight (8) ft. wide concrete pathway, which may be utilized to travel throughout Harbison without ever having to walk across a major thoroughfare. Motorized vehicles, except for our maintenance vehicles and motorized wheel chairs, are prohibited. Bikes are discouraged for safety reasons. Walking, hiking, and jogging are encouraged. Maps of trails are located at the Recreation Center’s front desk.
Where can I get an RDRC Form?

You can stop by the Recreation Center and pick one up, or you can download a pdf version here.

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