Each homeowner is responsible for adhering to the rules and requirements set forth in the Harbison Covenants and Restrictions. One should read the Covenants and Restrictions carefully before beginning any project.  Generally, any change to the landscaping, topography and exterior of a home requires the approval of the Residential Design Review Committee. One may find the Covenants Restrictions and Residential Design Review Form online at the Harbison website or you may pick up a Harbison booklet and RDRC form at the Front Desk.

Here are a few of the most abused covenants violations:

  •  Improper parking of cars on the street or in yards
  •  Improper parking of RVs, commercial trucks, boats & utility trailers
  •  Houses, roofs, lawns & pools not being maintained properly
  •  Fronts of houses being used for storage space
  •  Fences and other structures constructed in violation of covenants restrictions
  •  Improper placement of trash & garbage on street for pickup
  •  Accumulation of junk/trash debris and illegal dumping on the trails or common property
  •  Sign Ordinance Violations & Lack of Harbison Permit or County Permit

Remember, if you see the Harbison truck with the amber lights on during the night, that is your safety team patrolling the Harbison streets.  They may be contacted at 803-467-2666 or 803-781-2281.

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